Save The Date!
Inaugural SFTEvent!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
7:00 PM
Viridian Events Center
Please join us for an evening of Fine Dining, Live Music, and a Live/Silent Auction. We are CELEBRATING the lives that have been impacted by ShareFest-Texas and want to share the uoplifting and encouraging stories of the people we serve!
Presenting Corporate Sponsor
- Preferred event seating
- Customized table centerpiece with name on colored baloon
- Personalized Event, website, and post-event recognition
- ShareFest-Texas light with name laser etched in glass
- Plaque
- Event commemorative Polo Shirt
Platinum Sponsor
- Preferred event seating
- Customized table centerpiece with name on colored baloon
- Personalized Event, website, and post-event recognition
- ShareFest-Texas light with name laser etched in glass
- Plaque
- Event commemorative Polo Shirt
Gold Sponsor
- Preferred event seating
- Customized table centerpiece with name on colored baloon
- Personalized Event, website, and post-event recognition
- ShareFest-Texas light with name laser etched in glass
- Plaque
- Event commemorative Polo Shirt
Silver Sponsor
- Preferred event seating
- Customized table centerpiece with name on colored baloon
- Personalized Event, website, and post-event recognition
- ShareFest-Texas light with name laser etched in glass
- Plaque
- Event commemorative Polo Shirt
Reserved Table
Individual Seats