Even being absent (on a 10 hour flight, 37,000’ feet up), I sensed the SFT team, perfectly synchronized for this day’s housing event, again spreading their sleeve-emblazoned love throughout a smallish apartment leaving it anything but empty. Our stated goal for each furnishing is to be in and out in under 45 minutes as clients comfort level with multiple strangers in their apartments is tested if more. This day that goal was beat, yet the obvious results and copious statements as to the quality of her new home attest to a team sense of accomplishment, which we do not take for granted. This client will shed her victim persona quickly knowing that she has the love and support of many beyond the SFT team and her dreams will become reality. In short order. Their eyes telegraph that each time! 

If any reading this wish to experience that highly visible satisfaction level that you’ve truly made a difference in someone’s life, please reach out to Penny at PFinenstadt@GMail.com to learn how to join our team. There will be times when you’ll feel you’re aloft at 37,000’! Come dance with us!