One of the key benefits of the SFT “Safe Housing” Initiative is that all the actors (volunteers, donors, recipients, and their families and case workers) get to be thankful and celebrate all year long, week-in, week-out! While it’s true that during November and December greater emphasis is placed on those, giving and receiving becomes the reason all the efforts extended to make this mission operationally and financially work are, without question, well worth it for everyone involved. Today was exceptional once again with the sounds of happy children amidst the décor we provided and grateful moms as 8 complete strangers and their buzzing activity, entered, brought “gifts and hugs”, and then left in under 45 minutes while transforming space into a home. Not once has our taking the air mattresses been met with any resistance but this time we got a few laughs! When we leave we wish the mom a Happy “Birthday” as it is the first day of the rest or her life and we always leave signs and our signature “Hope” light (shown below)to remind her of her importance going forward.

Again, if you’d be interested in our continuous celebrations (5 more before Christmas!), please reach out to Penny at or signup on our website If you’d like to donate financially or with furniture or household items, you may do so via our website as well.

Here’s hoping that everyone enjoys the holidays with family, friends, neighbors and to our incredible donor village, thank you for making 2022 a record year in so many ways. With our new partners we will easily surpass all of our 2022 performance objectives in 2023!