Colder weather brings on seasonal changes and hypes everyone’s expectations of the forthcoming Holidays that bring Peace, Love, Joy and pronounced feelings of HOPE. The latter is a key component of ShareFest-Texas’ mission statement; i.e., “To provide hope to the under-served through collaborative partnerships and community service.” Thus both of these “Safe Housing” events involved the assembly of pre-lit Christmas trees in addition to the “Welcome Home” bags, furniture and household goods for the two mom’s and their children. Children being children immediately responded to the lighting with screams of joy and excitement quickly followed by a quasi-circuitous running around the once bare living rooms, their displayed joy being obvious perhaps throughout the complex. Without exception, our events throughout 2022 have seen many levels of exuberance by everyone involved from donor to SFT Team member to recipient and highlighted each time by the children. Upon leaving, presenting our signature light to the recipient, wishing them a “Happy Birthday” (was in the correct month once!) that signifies the first day of the rest of their life and then having the team exchange success “high-5’s” in the parking lot. Although we’ve repeated this 80+ times this year, it’s never been anything less than exhilarating and for that reason we hope to see more volunteers join us next year in celebrating the delivery of hope to families, especially the children. They all have experienced trauma that, thankfully, cannot even be imagined by most of us. Whether an active housing volunteer, an item or financial donor or assisting in collections, knowing you have made an incredible difference will be very fulfilling.